本院公開徵選「幹細胞外泌體(Exosomes from Stem Cells) 之疾病治療技術」專屬授權技術移轉廠商 NHRI technology, “Exosomes from Stem Cells for Treatment” available for technology licensing

一、 主旨:
本院公開徵選「幹細胞外泌體(Exosomes from Stem Cells) 之疾病治療技術」專屬授權技術移轉廠商。
NHRI technology, “Exosomes from Stem Cells for Treatment” (abbreviated as “The Technology”) available for technology licensing (exclusive license).

二、 技術說明
本技術為一種由幹細胞衍生的再生醫學醫藥組合物(stem-based regeneration medicine),並非直接以細胞治療,而是以幹細胞產生出內含維持來源幹細胞特性所需之蛋白質及微核糖核酸之微脂體,作為疾病治療之生物藥。本技術已於動物試驗中證實,具治療中樞神經損傷及誘導組織再生之作用。
The Technology is to use induced stem cell-derived exosomes, instead of stem cells, as regeneration medicine. The invention is a method of inducing stem cells to release exosomes carrying essential molecules for the stem cell properties. The induced stem cell exosomes can be used as regeneration medicine and have been proven effective in treating brain injury and in inducing tissue regeneration in pre-clinical animal models.

Patents have been filed in the United Kingdom(GB) and Japan(JP). Patents have been granted in the United States (US) and Taiwan(ROC). Potential licensee with experience in new drug development and clinical trial is welcomed.

三、 廠商資格:

  1. 依法登記且無違法紀錄。
  2. 具有相關技術開發經驗及能力,並熟悉銷售通路者。
  3. 具國際合作經驗及臨床試驗經驗者。
  4. 已準備投入研發資金或有能力引進研發資金者。

Potential licensee qualifications
1. Be incorporated and approved by law and does not have any record of misconduct or conviction for any offense;
2. Has related experience, skills for developing The Technology and sales channel;
3. Has experience of international collaboration and clinical trial;
4. Be willing to provide long-term investment or be able to bring in raise capital

四、 報名方式:
符合上述資格且有意願者,請填妥「技術移轉企劃書」(格式如附件二)之相關資料〔內含公司簡介及可闡明上述條件之資料〕,並標明廠商名稱和地址、聯絡人電話與電子郵件等資料,於民國110年9月30日前,以郵寄正本並搭配傳真或電子郵件方式,送達國家衛生研究院技轉及育成中心翁小姐收(地址:「苗栗縣350竹南鎮科研路35號行政大樓3樓 技轉及育成中心」,FAX: (037)583-667,E-mail:rubyweng@nhri.edu.tw)

The application
Potential licensee meeting the above qualifications, please fill out the “Licensing Proposal (attachment II)” and send the application through both mail(hard copy) and email to Ms. Weng before Sep.30, 2021.(Address: Technology Transfer and Incubation Center, National Health Research Institutes, 35 Keyan Road, Zhunan Town, Miaoli County 35053, Taiwan, R.O.C.; E-mail:rubyweng@nhri.edu.tw)
Additional information may be required by NHRI upon request.


Licensing Proposal